List of Arachne system files
Warning: This document has no value for users who want to
set up the software with just a mouse.
Main configuraton file ARACHNE.CFG
Expected in: .\ARACHNE.CFG
When not found there: [arachne directory]\ARACHNE.CFG
Always written to: [already existing file]
The configuration file can be changed using user friendly
setup pages. It is a plain text, human readable file, so advanced
users can modify it.
See list of ARACHNE.CFG keywords.
Warning: ARACHNE.CFG cannot be modified from inside Arachne,
because this configuration file is overwritten before exiting...
Expected in: .\
When not found there: [system path]\
CORE.EXE is Arachne's main executable file. It cannot be run standalone,
it must be run from inside of ARACHNE.BAT. Command line arguments
of ARACHNE.BAT will be passed to CORE.EXE.
Command line arguments:
URL | Start with desired document (default protocol is file:)
| -o | Start in online mode (e.g., with Connection @PPP.EXE ...)
-x [URL] | Start in offline fullscreen mode and display desired URL
-i [URL] | Start in online fullscreen mode and display desired URL
-s | Set up video adapter and memory type, then exit (core.exe only)
-c | Continue offline browsing (if you use Connection READY, it will force offline mode)
-cg | Continue offline browsing without resetting graphics mode (only for internal use of Arachne !)
-r | Continue online browsing (eg. with Connection @PPP.EXE ...)
-rg | Continue online browsing without resetting graphics mode (only for internal use of Arachne !)
-d | Detect and set up video adapter and exit (core.exe only)
-f | Create new font information (fontinfo.bin)
-u | Unload packet driver (core.exe only)
Plug-in configuration file MIME.CFG
Expected in: .\MIME.CFG
When not found there: [arachne directory]\MIME.CFG
This file can be modified (but not rewritten) by
Arachne Package Manager
MIME.CFG must be updated each time when you
want to add a plug-in to ARACHNE (for example Java interpreter, VRML
browser, or the like ;-). If you want to write your own
DGI application, MIME.CFG must be updated.
Using Arachne Packages can make this task really
very easy.
Icon configuration file WWWMAN.CFG
Expected in: .\WWWMAN.CFG
WWWMAN.CFG assigns icons to certain filename fragments (like extensions).
Icons can be any images viewable by Arachne, but for performance reasons,
format .IKN is the recommended one. A filename fragment can be something
like ".GIF", ".HTM" or "FILES.BBS".
The syntax is:
filename_fragmet icon_filename
filename_fragmet icon_filename
The other *.CFG files
Usually in: [arachne directory]\*.CFG
These are the other configuration files. Their usage usually depends
on ARACHNE.CFG. Don't change them if you don't know
what you are doing.
*.OOK files
Usually in: [arachne directory]\OOPS\*.OOK
Files with *.OOK extensions are simply batch files - shortcuts
to DOS applications. Why "OOK" files ?
Launch this OOK to understand more...
Arachne Packages
Can be found in diffent places
Files with *.APM extensions are Arachne Packages.
They are not included in the main distribution package, they must be downloaded
from the Internet.
Cache index file
User definable filename and location, usually: [arachne directory]\CACHE.IDX
Cache Index is a binary file with following structure:
BinaryRecord has following structure:
int itemlength;//in this file, always 0x01A8
struct HTTPrecord cacheitem;
And this is a prototype of HTTPrecord:
#define URLSIZE 256
#define STRINGSIZE 40
struct HTTPrecord
char URL[URLSIZE]; // Uniform Resource Locator
int x; // coordinates where the document was last displayed
long y; //
long size; // size in bytes
char knowsize; // logical - size is valid
char mime[STRINGSIZE];// mime type
char locname[80]; // full filename (after conversion to TXT,HTM,GIF,BMP)
char rawname[80]; // full filename (before conversion)
int handle; // file handle
long lastseen; // last seen time
char postflag; // it is result of <FORM METHOD=POST>...
History file
User definable filename and location, usually: [arachne directory]\HISTORY.LST
Plain text file - each line contains one URL. First line must be (for some
reason unknown even to the author) empty. The index of the current URL is located
in the ARACHNE.PCK file.
Cookie database
User definable filename and location, usually: [arachne directory]\COOKIES.LST
Plain text file - each line contains one cookie in a format as they appear
in HTTP headers of WWW pages. You can delete unwanted cookies from this
file manually, or delete it if you want to protect your privacy.
Runtime configuration file ARACHNE.PCK
Expected in: .\ARACHNE.PCK
When not found there: [arachne directory]\ARACHNE.PCK
Always written to: .\ARACHNE.PCK
Run SETUP.BAT if you want to ignore this file and reset Arachne.
This file contains hardware-dependent information about your video card !
#define MAXTITLELEN 100
#define SWAP_DISK 0
#define SWAP_XMS 1
#define SWAP_EMS 2
struct ArachnePick
char graphics[16];//last video mode
char GUIstyle; //0-menu on the right side,
//1-menu like normal browser
//2-almost fullscreen
// & 4 ...fullscreen (3rd bit set)
char xSwap; //see SWAP_DISK, SWAP_XMS, SWAP_EMS
int mousex,mousey,framescount; //mouse x and y, number of frames
char target; //current target inside frameset
char newframe; //new frame to be loaded
long cachesize; //size of HTTP cache - not yet implemented
int history; //current pointer to history file TADYJSEM.BYL
int backtrace; //pointer to backtrace_target
char backtrace_target[MAXBACKTRACE]; //trace targets of clicks
char title[MAXTITLELEN]; //main title of the entire frameset
//there are 16 frames allocated. Each frame has the following structure:
#define STRINGSIZE 40
struct HTMLframe
//general information:
char framename[STRINGSIZE]; /target=....
struct HTTPrecord cacheitem;//see cache index for "HTTPrecord" declaration
struct ScrollBar scroll; //frame size is declared in scrollbar structure
//this is required for Netscape & MSIE compatibility..
char allowscrolling;
char marginwidth,marginheight;
//real position in frame, in pixels
int posX;
long posY;
//document status: LOCAL/REMOTE/VIRTUAL/MAIL , 0...3
unsigned status;
//hidden frames are 1) parent frames 2) overwritten child frames
//if parent is overwritten, this frame should be hidden:
char hidden,parent,next;
//end of frames
Definition of scrollbar structure (of course, it is not part of ARACHNE.PCK,
but it is required to correctly load information from ARACHNE.PCK ;-)
struct ScrollBar
int max_xscrsz,max_yscrsz,xscr,yscr,xscrsz,yscrsz;
int xsize,ysize,ymax,xtop,ytop;
int total_x;
long total_y;
char xvisible;
int x_decrease_gap; //for scrollbuttons
int x_increase_gap;
int y_decrease_gap;
int y_increase_gap;
int gap;
char onscrollx,onscrolly;
char scrollbarstyle;
Icon files
Expected in: [arachne directory]\SYSTEM\
Files with extension *.IKN are Arachne icons.
On the Arachne online homepage, there is available a package MORE_IKN.
It is a collection of various *.IKN files that
can be useful for different file extensions on your hard disk.
This format was originally used in the user interface of the IBASE image database.
It's advantage versus Windows' *.ICO format is that it contains a color
palette. All 60x60 *.IKN files were created by me sometime between
1991 and 1996 for IBASE "Command Center". I included some of them in
Arachne because I had no other idea how to use them ;-)
I don't recommend publishing them on the WWW. It's a proprietary file format,
usable only in a PC enviroment.
However, IKN files can be used in your intranet *.HTML files,
if you decide to use Arachne as your intranet client.
The GIFIKN utility will allow you to customize the Arachne toolbar.
It is available to owners of a commercial multilicense
(see file REGISTER.HTM).
Font files
Expected in: [arachne directory]\SYSTEM\
FONTINFO.BIN and *.FNT files
are files used by the X_LOPIF graphics library. They are hard-linked
to the SYSTEM subdirectory and cannot be stored elsewhere (mainly because
the fonts are initialized before loading the main configuration file).
A free utility TFONTY is currently available to convert *.TTF
fonts to *.FNT format (for Windows) and FEDIT is to edit
*.FNT files (for DOS).
After modifying Arachne FNT files, you have to run arachne -f
to create a new font information file (FONTINFO.BIN).
Cf. also details about the X_LOPIF
graphics library for the C language.
Other files
Can be found in different places (including the %TEMP%\ directory)
Files like *._$B, *.TMP or $roura$.BAT are temporary
and can be deleted when they accidentally remain on your hard disk (it can happen when
Arachne crashes). TEXTAREA.TMP stores the last unsubmitted <TEXTAREA>
tag. Extension *.IDX belongs to index files - if you delete them,
Arachne and/or plug-ins will create them again.
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