To open an anonyous FTP session, just enter the URL formated as:
The root directory of the server will be displayed. You can control
the eMail address sent during login by an ARACHNE.CFG variable called
FakeFTPeMail - by default, your real eMail is sent.
To open an authorized FTP session, you have to enter the following URL:
You will be asked to enter your password. On most servers, the
"/home/directory/" pathname is not identical to the pathname used in the HTTP
protocol (e.g., on Unix servers, document http://server/~username/ is usually
also accessible as ftp://username@server/home/username/public_html/index.html).
An alternative way to access ftp is to use URLs like:
The problem is that the passwords will be stored as part of the URL in
history, cache, etc.
Note: FTP directory services (creating and removing directories, removing files) are not yet implemented; you have to use an external FTP client to do this.