List of the Arachne Icons:
- Clicking on this icon will always try to take you to the homepage
of xChaos software and Arachne WWW browser -
This unfortunately will not work if you are running Arachne offline.
Hotkey: X
- Return to the previous visited document. Hotkey: Ctrl+[left arrow]
- Go to the next document, if available. Hotkey: Ctrl+[right arrow
- Go to the home page. Hotkey: Alt+F1
- Reload current page from disk or from Internet.
This will not reload cached images from Internet - see icon "Load images". Hotkey: R
- Add the URL of current page to hotlist. Hotkey: A
- Go to hotlist. Hotlist filename can be customized.
Hotkey: H or Ctrl+\ or Alt+0
- If you are downloading anything, this will stop it. Otherwise, it will exit to DOS (it can be disabled).
Hotkey: Esc
- Goto search page. URL can be customized.
Hotkey: Alt+F7
- Go to the main help page - file:help.htm. Hotkey: F1
Note: following description is 100% valid only for traditional
toolbar - advanced Arachne toolbar is user-configurable.
Save (copy) currently displayed page to
your local file system (hard disk or floppy disk), send it by eMail or upload
it by FTP. Hotkey: F2
Open file located on your local file system
(for file:*.*, the program assigned to
special Arachne MIME type file/*.* will be executed). Hotkey: F3
Print or export document to plain text
(ASCII) or PostScript (depends on selected primary print method) Hotkey: P
Search current page for specified phrase,
case insensitive. Hotkey: F7 or Ctrl+Q or /; Search next: Ctrl+L
Edit the currently displayed document as plain ASCII text file. This means ANY
file on your hard disk, including HTML page located in HTTP cache.
See built-in editor help page. Hotkey: F4
This will display HTML files and eMail messages as plain text (source code).
Click on the icon (press the key) again to switch back to HTML mode.
Hotkey: F6
Page information. This icon will show
HTTP header for online pages, and output of DIR command for local files.
Hotkey: =
If all images on current page
are already loaded, pressing this icon will reload them from Internet.
If image loading is turned off or if some images are still missing,
this will load the missing images.
Hotkey: Insert
Goto eMail client - file:mail.htm.
Hotkey: M
Goto Arachne desktop - file:home.htm.
Hotkey: F10
Resize page and change layout of icons ("zoom"). Hotkey: F5
Exit Arachne without further asking. Hotkey: Alt+X
See also Arachne hotkeys or return to main help page.