How to use Arachne with PPP or SLIP

The easiest way to use Arachne with a PPP connection is to configure Arachne using the Arachne PPP Wizard.
Arachne uses a DOS packet driver interface to enable TCP/IP connectivity. This technology is not very simple to understand, but it's the only standard DOS presently offers. The packet driver is a resident program (TSR) similar to utilities like a mouse driver or a VESA driver. TCP/IP applications access the packet driver using a software interrupt - usually it is 0x60 (60H). The packet driver for an ethernet card (LAN) is a small freeware program (with a name like ODIPKT.COM, or similar). If you are using a dial-up connection, you need a TSR program to "emulate" the ethernet card packet driver.

The following ways to connect to the Internet via serial line (modem) from DOS are known:


DOSPPPD is a single program - EPPPD.EXE. Arachne will load DOSPPPD if the
ARACHNE.CFG file contains the following line: Connection @EPPPD.EXE.

DOSPPPD is a port of the Unix PPP daemon to the DOS enviroment. It's probably the best PPP solution available in DOS. It consumes less memory than EtherPPP or KlosPPP. The author of this DOS port, Toni Lopez, permitted me to include this dialer in the Arachne package.

If you don't want to use the Arachne built-in configurator, you can study the DOSPPPD documentation, which was created by merging files README.TXT and PPPD.MAN from the DOSPPPD package. You don't need to worry about how to connect because Arachne uses its own dialer - MINITERM.EXE, configured in ARACHNE.CFG. The IP address is passed by option IP_Address PPP.

If you are not an advanced DOS user, I suggest using the Arachne PPP wizard previously mentioned. More details (eg. automatic login script) can be entered using the manual PPP setup screen. Just fill in the correct values, click Ok, save and then restart Arachne. Arachne will automatically create a configuration file PPPDRC.CFG for DOSPPPD.

If you prefer to set up text-mode configuration files rather than using the setup screen, please read List of all keywords used in the ARACHNE.CFG configuration file.


EtherPPP is a single program - PPP.EXE. Arachne will load EtherPPP if the
ARACHNE.CFG file contains Connection @PPP.EXE parameters>PPP.LOG.

You have to study the EtherPPP documentation and manually create a CONFIG.PPP file needed by EtherPPP. You don't have to worry about DIAL.PPP, as you can use the MINITERM dialer shipped with Arachne.

Klos PPP

Klos PPP is a shareware PPP dialer distributed by Klos technologies.

You must get an uncrippled self-extracting archive pppshare.exe, available at The license agreement doesn't allow us to include this archive directly in the Arachne package. Place pppshare.exe into Arachne directory and execute it.

Klos PPP consists of more than one driver file - I suggest you read the documentation and add these drivers to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Klos PPP drivers can be loaded into high memory.

Klos PPP provides the PPPMENU.EXE program as an interface to the PPP dialer. After connecting with PPPMENU.EXE, you must select the "Exit PPP connect" menu option to exit to DOS (or to Arachne). There is also one more executable you must run to update WATTCP.CFG. After doing that, your ARACHNE.CFG might look as follows:

Connection READY

Probably the easiest way to use Klos PPP is to configure it as a resident packet driver (and run PPPMENU manualy from the command line).


SLIP is an older dial-up protocol which was replaced by PPP.

You can call any of these packet drivers as an external dialer or you can establish a connection and make them resident first and then use Arachne exactly the same way as on Local Network. Freeware SLIP programs can be found on many anonymous FTP sites. CSLIPPER.EXE is included in the Arachne distribution package.

I have been told that UMSLIP correctly emulates BOOTP.

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