Dos Gateway Interface DEMO

The first form calls a virtual script echo.dgi, which is equivalent to an online CGI script executing just the echo $QUERY_STRING command. The form is only intended to demonstrate how simple the user interface can be.

Search query - just example
Second name
First name
Case sensitive
Search this computer
local network

Power GREP, a simple DGI query, will call the DOS utility "find" (if it is installed on your PC!) and tell it to search all HTML files in the current directory and its subdirectories (find string \*.* /S - Open DOS implements the /S tag; I don't know if MSDOS also does) This demonstrates, that even unmodified DOS programs can be integrated into your Intranet. (Press Enter in the input box to start...)

Power GREP
Note for programers:
If you want to create your own DGI scripts (to add a user-friendly interface to your offline programs, or to put them online locally on LANs with Novell servers), simply add their definition to the MIME.CFG file. If you want to distribute your DGI script, you don't even have to write your own setup program, just learn to distribute Arachne DGI components using Arachne Package Manager!

Please also include information about Arachne homepage, so anyone can get the latest version of Arachne.