153 Arachne Keywords, Allowed Values and Ranges: with some explanation. Last updated 02/07/12 General Information: The HEADINGS in Arachne.cfg are IGNORED by Arachne. Unrecognized or bogus keywords are also IGNORED. The CASE of both the keyword and value is IGNORED. Keywords may appear or be placed under any heading that helps in the visual or mental organization. The ORDER of keywords is irrelevant except where the same keyword appears more than once. Then it is the first occurrence that takes precedence. Where the value assigned to the keyword can be a list, it is safe to separate items by a comma. Default value for undefined keywords is NUL or 0. Portability: Some of the values are recognized only by Linux version of Arachne, some are valid only for DOS version. Convention: Range of allowed argument is shown literally, or as alternatives separated by "|" or as "[]" which must be replaced by the text or numbers described by the contents of [] and any explanation following in (). "ASCIIwidth" 40-255 (Printer width in characters) "AcceptCharset" [List of official ISO names and/or *] (See note #1) "AfterPOP3" [Action or URL] (Arachne:[cmd] or http:[],file:[],smtp:) "AfterSMTP" [Action or URL] (Arachne:[cmd] or http:[],file:[],pop3:) "AltGateway" [n.n.n.n] (Alternate fixed gateway for LAN) "AltNameServer" [DNS#] (Domain NameServer) (Alternate DNS from your ISP) "AltSysFont" 0-3 (For textarea, plaintext, HTMLsource view: 0=disable) "AltTab" Yes|No (Optional Hotkey to repaint ENTIRE screen) "AutoF3key" Yes|No (Yes overrides F3 key definition) "Autodial" Yes|No "Autologin" Yes|No "Background" [Your favorite.bmp/.gif/.jpg]|NUL (Desktop Background) "Base" 0x[HHH] (HHH=Hex COM port address, used when Port = 0) "BCC" [Email address to regularly send Blind Carbon Copies to] "BgColor" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex background Intensity) "BigFont" Yes|No "Cache2TEMP" Yes|No (Use \TEMP on ramdisk for some cache items) "CacheFonts" Yes|No "CacheIndex" [Path+Filename] (to Cache Index) "CachePath" [Path+Name] (to your "cache" directory) "Colors" [0-15] [0-15] (Text entry areas: Text,Background) "Connection" READY|@[PPP Program name and any operations]|NUL "CookieFile" [Path+Filename] (to your cookies) "Cookies" Yes|No "CSS" Yes|No (Use Cascaded Style Sheets) "DialPage" [URL for dialing operations] (Such as file:[]|pop3:|smtp:) "DialString" ATDT|ATDP|ATX3DT|ATX3DP (Plus any valid modem commands) "Dialer" [Dial Program name and any operations] (Mime.cfg format) "DownloadPath" [Path+Name] (to your "download" directory) "eMail" [Your email address] "ESC" Exit|Back|Ignore "EditHotlistEntry" Yes|No "ExitOnHangup" Yes|No "ExpireDynamic" 0-??? (Seconds of life for CGI scripts etc., 0=never) "ExpireStatic" 0-??? (Seconds of life for unvisited HTMLpages in cache) "F3key" [Filename+extension] (or any URL or part of a URL) "FILEargs" -d|-l (Icons in directory listings on|off, for WWWMAN) "FTPpassword" [Your File Transfer Protocol Password] "FTPpath" [Full filename to last upload document on server] "FTPproxy" [Your Proxy Servername for FTP] "FTPserver" [Your FTP server] (From your ISP) "FTPusername" [Your FTP User Name] "FakeFTPeMail" [Dummyuser@domain] (For anonymous FTP) "FontPathSuffix" iso-8859-1|iso-8859-2 (Linux only - selects fond codepage) "FontShift" -1..0..+1 (Font size steps for ALL text on HTML pages) "ForwardString1" [Text to precede forwarded messages] "ForwardString2" [Text to follow forwarded messages] "Frames" Yes|No "Gateway" [n.n.n.n] (Fixed gateway for LAN) "GraphicsMode" HI.I|HI.J|HI.K (Linux only - name of graphics mode) "HTMLbgColor" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity) "HTMLlink" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity) "HTMLtext" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity) "HTTPKeepAlive" Yes|No (Allows disable of KeepAlive for HTTP/1.0 proxies) "HTTPproxy" [Your Proxy Servername for HTTP] "HTTPreferer" Yes|No (Send "REFERER" information during HTTP sessions) "HTTPretry" [Number of times to re-try download before giving up] "HTTPS2HTTP" Yes|No (Try to find HTTP equivalents to HTTPS URLs) "Hangup" @[PPP Shutdown Program name + operations] "History" [Path+Filename] (to History List) "HomePage" [URL] (Your first location online - could be a file) "Hotlist" [Path+Filename] (to your Addresses/Bookmarks/Favorites) "IgnoreJS" Yes|No (Ignore all between ) "IP_Address" [Fixed n.n.n.n]|PPP|BOOTP|%MYIP%|WATTCP (See Note #2) "IP_Grab" [Text expected preceeding IP address in PPP.log] "Index" [Dir. template] (*.[ext]|[name].* eg: *.htm,*.txt,*.*) "InitString" AT[modeminitstring] "Irq" 3-13 (non-standard COM port Irq #, used when Port = 0) "JPEGargs" -bmp|-bmp -fast (used by MIME.CFG macro $j) "KeepOnServer" Yes|No (Leave downloaded mail on server if permitted) "KeepHTT" Yes|No (Controls caching of HTTP headers) "Keymap1" [1st 64 mapped characters above ASCII 127] "Keymap2" [2nd 64 mapped characters above ASCII 127] "Kill468x60" Yes|No (Ignore some advertising banners) "KillSent" Yes|No (Delete sent mail messages) "Link" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex Intensity for link) "LoadImages" Yes|No "Logo" 0-????? (12000|2000|0 = Logo Animation slow|fast|disabled) "MailBodyEncoding" 7bit|8bit|Quoted-printable "MailEncoding" Mime|Uuencode "MailIdxTemplate" [Path+Filename] (Mail inbox format: default=idxhead.htp) "MailIsDesktop" Yes|No (mail will use Desktop colors instead of HTML page) "MailPath" [Path+Name] (to your "mail" directory) "MailSortOrder" DateRcv|DateSnt|Address|Subject "MinDiskSpace" [0-nnn] (kb: Minimum space for no "DiskFull" warning) "Mode" [DPS] (#Databits $Paritybits #Stopbits) "MouseColors" [0-15] [0-15] (Selected/activated Text,Background) "Multitasking" Yes|No|Safe "MyCharset" [US-ASCII|ISO-Latin-2|Windows-CE] (Out mail characterset) "NameServer" [DNS#] (Domain NameServer) (From your ISP) "Netmask" [n.n.n.n] (Typically, never 255,255,255,255) "NoFTPproxy" [fullnameNoFTPproxy1,fullnameNoFTPproxy2,etc.] "NoFTPproxy4All" [substring of nameNoFTPproxy1,of nameNoFTPproxy2,etc.] "NoProxy" [fullnameNoproxy1,fullnameNoproxy2,etc.] "NoProxy4All" [substring of nameNoproxy1,substring of nameNoproxy2,etc.] "Organization" [Any text you want] "POP3log" Yes|No "POP3password" [Your email Password] "POP3server" [Your incoming mailserver] (From your ISP) "POP3username" [Your email User Name] "PPPpassword" [Your PPP Password] "PPPusername" [Your PPP User Name] "PersonalName" [Your Real Name] "PhoneNumber" [ISP Phone Number] "Port" 0|1-4 (COM port #, 0 stands for non-standard Irq/Base) "PostScriptHeight" 0-??? (Printer output height mm.) "PostScriptWidth" 0-??? (Printer output width mm.) "PrintURL" [Action or URL for instant printing] "Profile" [Name.acf of your current Arachne.cfg] "ProxyPassword" [Your proxy Password] "ProxyUsername" [Your proxy Username] "QADT" Yes|No (Quick and Dirty table preview) "RefreshDelay" 0-??? (Seconds between screen refreshes while downloading) "ReplyString" [Text preceeding quote for e-mail reply] (See Note #3) "ReplyTo" [An email address you wish replies directed to] "Response1 - 6" [Login response text] (Lines 1-6) "SMTPlog" Yes|No "SMTPserver" [Your outgoing mailserver] (From your ISP) "SavePasswords" Yes|No "ScreenMode" Auto|Smart|Nice "ScreenSaver" 0-32768 (Minutes. 0=disable) "ScreenSaverColors"[0|1] (Two color schemes) "ScreenSaverMess 0-20 (Number of objects) "ScreenSaverStyle" L|R|C (Lines|Rectangles|Circles) "ScrollBarSize" 0-20 (Width Pixels) "ScrollBarStyle" NextStep|Windows|Arachne|X|Clarence(none) "ScrollStep" 0-1000 (Scan lines/vertical pixels for smooth scrolling) "SearchPage" [URL] (Your favorite Search Engine) "SendHELO" Yes|No (Send SMTP "HELO" protocol for your mail server) "ShiftF1 - F10" [Any user defined Action/URL] (See AfterPOP3, SearchPage) "SignatureFile" [Filename containing email signature line(s)] "SmoothScroll" Yes|No (Requires virtual screens) "Speed" [DTE Rate] (Bits/Sec: 2-4x Modem baudrate: Max=115200) "TCPconfig" [Filename of WatTcp configuration] "TerminalWindow" [Terminal Program name + any operations] (Mime.cfg format) "Text" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex Intensity for text) "TimeZone" +1200 to -1200 (Hours relative to GMT) "Toolbar" [Path+Filename] to your toolbar.cfg "UseBinaryFTP" Yes|No (Override automatic setting of FTP upload type) "UseCDescr" Yes|No (Add extra content description to mail attachments) "UseCID" Yes|No (Add extra content identifier to mail attachments) "UseFTPproxy" Yes|No "UseKeyMap" Yes|No "UseProxy" Yes|No "UseReplyTo" Yes|No "UseSignature" Yes|No "UseTerminal" Yes|No "VirtualScreen" 0-???? (Size in scanlines or vertical pixels. 0=disable) "VFAT" Yes|No (support links to long filenames in Win 9x DOS box) "WaitFor1 - 6" [Text expected requesting a login response] (Lines 1-6) "XMS4allgifs" 0-???? (kilobytes of XMS for animated GIFs. 0=disable) "XMS4onegif" 0-????? (max. bytes for one animated GIF) **************************************************************************** Note #1: iso-8859-1,iso-8859-2,cp-1251,cp-895,koi8-r,windows-1250, windows-1251,iso-8859-8,* (any) (lower case is preferred) Note #2: Sources for IP address: IP_Address n.n.n.n ... fixed IP address IP_Address PPP ... get address from PPP.LOG IP_Address BOOTP ... WatTcp attempts to use BOOTP protocol IP_Address %enviro% ... enviroment variable, like %MYIP% IP_Address WATTCP ... use values from TCPconfig (variable "my_ip") IP_Grab string ... text in PPP.LOG ("IP address set to") Note #3: [text]%s, %s[text] e.g. On (fills in date), (fills in name) wrote: ****************************************************************************