----- This file "readme.txt" is being retained for purposes of nostalgia ----- --- Since Arachne is now GPL, most of the copyright info no longer applies --- * This software package is called "Arachne WWW Browser". * Version: 1.70 STABLE RELEASE revision 3 * Release date: 22th December 2001 * Following files included in the package are copyrighted and exclusively owned by the author: CORE.EXE, all files with extension .IKN, all files with extension .HTM, all files with extension .HTP and all files with extension .AH. These files are called "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW browser". Copyright (c)1996-2000 Michael Polak, Arachne Labs, Prague, Czech Republic * "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" are protected by international copyright laws. * Following Arachne WWW browser components are distributed under the GNU Public Licence: INSIGHT.EXE, WWWMAN.EXE, APM.EXE, GOPH2HTM.EXE, WIZARD.EXE, HOTLSMAN.EXE, FIXMEM.EXE. Full text of the GNU Public license is included in the source code package. APM.EXE utility incorporates also UNARJ source code; full UNARJ source code is avilable in the same source code package. Source code package can be downloaded from http://gnu.arachne.cz/ * You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser", except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. * The Arachne WWW Browser may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Arachne WWW Browser without written permission from the copyright holder. For the permission write to sales@arachne.cz * Anyone may use "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" for a test period of 30 days. Following this test period of 30 days, if you wish to continue to use "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" for other than private or NON-COMMERCIAL purposes, you MUST register. * Arachne WWW Browser is free for NON-COMMERCIAL use, because there are some public domain or freeware components included in the package. Included components were distributed by their developers under wide variety of licenses; these licenses ussualy allow you to use sofware for NON-COMMERCIAL or evaluation purposes. More details can be found in documentation included in Arachne WWW Browser distribution package. * There is possibility to buy REGISTRATION KEY from authorised distributor, which will unlock some features that are disabled in unregistered freeware versions and will allow you to use "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" without any restrictions. The ownership of the KEY is the only way to get any help or support. See HTML file REGISTER.HTM for information about registering. * Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" on one computer (i.e. a single CPU), for any legal purpose, at a time. The registered "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" may not be rented or leased. * For special cases of COMMERCIAL USE (public use, distribution as part of software package, OEM version, etc.) author may require special agreement which will include participation on profit. If you are interested in using "Copyrighted components of Arachne WWW Browser" in one of these ways, please contact sales@arachne.cz. * Arachne WWW Browser IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. * If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Arachne WWW Browser files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. * Installing and using Arachne WWW Browser signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. * All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by (c)1996,1997,1998, 1999,2000 Michael Polak, Arachne Labse, Prague, Czech republic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * All bug reports and suggestions for new features can be send to author (xchaos@arachne.cz), although we don't promise to use all suggestions. * To get help from experienced Arachne WWW Browser users, subscribe mailing list arachne@arachne.cz. To subscribe this list, send mail with text SUBSCRIBE ARACHNE to e-mail address listserv@arachne.cz. To submit message to the list, send it to address arachne@arachne.cz. * Official minimal configuration is PC with 80386 or higher CPU and 512 KB SVGA card, but Arachne will partly work even on any 80x86 with EGA or VGA. Before running Arachne enter following command: C:\>mem (Enter) If you wish to use Arachne offline or if there is already TCP/IP connection established, the "largest executable program size" should be at least 500 KB. If you want to use built-in PPP dialer (DOSPPPD), you will need 560 KB free. * To setup browser, run SETUP.BAT. For example: C:\>cd ARACHNE (Enter) C:\ARACHNE>setup (Enter) * To run browser, run ARACHNE.BAT. CORE.EXE will not work correctly when started as standalone program (the batch is used to execute plug-ins). C:\>cd ARACHNE (Enter) C:\ARACHNE>arachne (Enter) * If you are upgrading from older versions of Arachne, please follow instructions in HTML file UPGRADE.HTM. * e-mail contact: 1. Registration and sale information: sales@arachne.cz 2. Bug reports: bugs@arachne.cz 3. Development: xchaos@arachne.cz 4. Mailing lists at listserv@arachne.cz ("subscribe ") arachne - for general discussion, new users, etc. arachne-digest - digest version of previous list arachne-announce - only anounces of new releases and new plug-ins arachne-development - mainly about porting Arachne to Linux * Internet homepage of Arachne WWW browser: 1. http://arachne.cz/ - maintained only by Arachne Labs 2. http://arachne.browser.org/ - if there are problems with arachne.cz DNS * You are strongly recommended to use always the latest version of Arachne.