This is the Arachne survival guide, written by Jake Young.
An essential guide is the list of Hotkeys, accessed by pressing K.
Press the spacebar or PageDown to read down the page.
Setup options are accessed by pressing O and selecting further pages with
the click buttons on the screen. Don't forget to click "Use New Settings".
For maximum speed, the current setup doesn't download images. Shift+Enter
over an image placeholder will retrieve the image.
An external modem (not a "WinModem") should be connected to Serial Port 1
(and a phone socket!) for online use. This computer cannot make best use
of a fast modem -- a cheap old 14.4 type would be fine.
Failing that, a faster, (but easier to find) external modem...
but NOT a WinModem!
The easyfind.acf (acf = Arachne Configuration File) should allow
Internet access from any location, hopefully enough to manage setting up
an account with another ISP (Internet Service Provider). It should also
allow use of Web-based e-mail e.g. Hotmail, but this will be very slow.
The EasyFind option may drop the connection before you can get much done.
It's strictly a stop-gap solution!
An individual ISP account is required to send and receive conventional e-mail.
This Arachne package can easily send/receive (with attachments).
Hotkeys: M for the mail page, C for compose a message.
A link to a webpage or e-mail address may be added to the Hotlist by
highlighting the link (cursor over link, then Shift+Enter or right-mouseclick)
then press A to add the link. The Hotlist is accessed with the H hotkey.
One to practise on: Survival Guide.
Edit the pop-up Title bar!
Use Tab and Shift+Tab to move between links; Esc to remove the cursor from
an entry box and return to the page; F3 to open a URL or saved page; G to
edit the URL entry; F2 to save a page; Spacebar for down; B for up; Backspace
for History (click the links to return to pages); F10 for Desktop; K for more Hotkeys!
Press D or Ctrl+LeftArrow ("Back") to return to the Dial page.
Press Alt+X to exit Arachne.
Press Alt+E to 'shell to DOS'
(when shelled-out, type exit<enter> to come back into Arachne)