DESKTOP DESTROY 2 -- CHICKEN CARNAGE (1.3) (C) 1999 GAMESLAB PRODUCTIONS, The Netherlands. ******THIS GAME IS FREEWARE****** INDEX READ FIRST: BUGFIXES 1 RUNNING 1.1 System Requirements 1.2 Recommended System 1.3 Missing DLL's 2 PLAYING 2.1 Mouse control 2.2 Keyboard Hot-Keys 2.3 Weapon Guide 3 TROUBLESHOOTING 2.1 Errors 2.2 Resolutions 4 CREDITS 4.1 Credit List 4.2 Special Thanks 4.3 Testing 5 DESKTOP DESTROY I 5.1 Histroy 5.2 Reviews 6 CONTACT US 7 VERSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ FIRST : BUG FIXES There are a couple of bugs fixed in the new version. First there was a little problem with overflow, I fixed it by setting a max of 50 chickens at the moment. Also chicken's won't walk over the scoreboard anymore.. they get killed then (sorry, it's a lousy way of fixing a bug, but it's the only way I could think of). Also there are some bugs fixed with the food. I hope you enjoy the game. Some little graphical fixes are done too. But beware, those are very little. And last but not least, a negative score won't be positive anymore, and making a VERY VERY HIGH negative score (or is it very low ?) is not possilbe cause the chicken limit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 RUNNING 1.1 System Requirements -- 486 dx 66 -- 8 megabyte Ram -- Win 95\98 NT -- mouse 1.2 Recommended System -- Pentium 166 or higher -- 32 megabyte RAM -- Win 95\98\NT -- Soundblaster -- Mouse 1.3 Missing DLL's This game needs a DLL file called CNC32.dll. Check in your windows\system if the file is there. If not, try to reinstall the game. If it still don't works, there are 2 ways to fix it, you can try to re-download the game, or you can report the error too ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 PLAYING 2.1 Mouse Controll You controll this game with the mouse. Use the left mouse button to select a weapon from the board in the corner of the screen, use the right mouse button to put it back there. Use the left mouse button while selecting a weapon to use or fire it. When selecting the pencil, you can change color by pressing the right button. 2.2 Keyboard Hot-Keys R = Refresh (freemode only) ESC = Back to main-menu ALT-F4 = Quit F1 = This textfile 2.3 Weapon Guide The weapon guide is a HTML file (guide.htm), in the subdirectory called GUIDE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 TROUBLESHOTTING 3.1 Errors Error 1 : Missing CnC32.dll Solution 1 : Try to reinstall the game Error 2 : It won't start, it needs another DLL than CnC32.dll Solution 2 : Try to install Direct X 6 or higher. Error 3 : It can't find a file Solution 3 : Look if the 2 main files (Desktop2.exe and Desktop2.cca) are named right, and that they are in the right directory. Error 4 : I can't see the box under the screen Solution 4 : See Resolutions (3.2) Error 5 : The colors get strange Solution 5 : Set colordepth too 16 bit or 24 bit. 3.2 Resolutions To get full enjoyment of this game, be sure you set the current windows resolution to 800x600. By setting it to 640x480 you can't see the box completly, and by setting it to a resolution higher than 800x600, not the whole desktop is able to destroy. Be also sure you set your colordepth too 16 or 24 bit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 CREDITS 4.1 Credit List Programming : Erwin Bergervoet Graphics : Erwin Bergervoet Menu Graphics : Johan Leion Title Graphics : Johan Leion Title Text : Erwin Bergervoet Sounds : Internet\Libaries Idea's : Haiko de Koe Music : Renzo Boomkamp 4.2 Special Thanks Special thanks to some one who isn't by GamesLab, but did something really fan- tastic to this game. He made good looking chickens for the main menu, highscore screen and the title screen. HIs name : Johan Leion 4.3 Testing The guys below all tested this game, or gave some idea's or suggestions. ** Roel Kuipers ** Haiko de Koe ** Vincent Bergervoet ** Jos Bergervoet ** Bastiaan de Jong ** Itay Brenner ** Pete Frenzy ** Johan Leion ** Jordi Schrap ** Jules Vahamaki ** Robin Kortbeek ** and others... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Desktop Destroy I 5.1 History Desktop Destroy 1, the prequel to this game, was released at the end of may, 1999. It had got original gameplay, and good graphics, so very much people liked the game. Desktop Destory I had great comments, and was just a very little download. It was on number 3 of the click cafe downloads for a while. Read below what people said ! 5.2 Reviews "The graphics are simultaneously cute and gory" **** (4/5) = ZDNET "Download This, it's a must" 87%, click cafe " of the most refreshing games I saw in a long time" 9 of the max 10 points Status GOLD, Nag Interactive "Desktop Destroy is a work of pure genius" "Best freeware shoot 'm up, June 1999" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Contact Us We always like to receive fan mail, and we always respond personally. Do you have got any tips, suggestions, idea's, or just wanna say it's very good, then don't doubt, but E-Mail us at the following E-mail adress. Also you may visit our website, and dowload there our other games and examples. Read about our incoming games. See ya soon ! (PS : if you can speak dutch, please use it in your E-Mails, das veel makkelijker) E-Mail : Website: (C) 1999 GamesLab Productions, The Netherlands Some graphics are (C) 1999 Johan Leion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Versions 1.0 = First version of DD2, released for public 1.1 = Second version, deleted some copyrighted sounds, fixed some bugs.