STEAM Steam - Receipt for credit card purchase

Thank you for your recent purchase of %%subscription%% on Steam. It is recommended that you keep this information in a safe place. It can be used as proof-of-purchase in the future.

Steam account name: %%accountname%%
Contact email address: %%email%%
Card-holder name: %%cardholdername%%
Card type: %%cardtype%%
Last 4 digits: %%cardlastfourdigits%%
Product name: %%subscription%%
Price: %%pricewithouttax%%
Tax: %%taxamount%%
Shipping: %%shippingamount%%
Total: %%pricetotal%% U.S. dollars
Transaction date: %%transdate%%
Transaction time: %%transtime%%
Card approval code: %%cardapprovalcode%%
Confirmation code: %%confirmationcode%%

Important Note: Your new subscription is tied to your Steam account. This means that you will only be able to access %%subscription%% when you login to Steam using the account name "%%accountname%%".

Thank you for your purchase!