is_in_logistic_range(position) → boolean | Is a given position within the logistic range of this cell? |
is_in_construction_range(position) → boolean | Is a given position within the construction range of this cell? |
is_neighbour_with(other) → boolean | Are two cells neighbours? |
logistic_radius :: float [R] | Logistic radius of this cell. |
construction_radius :: float [R] | Construction radius of this cell. |
stationed_logistic_robot_count :: uint [R] | Number of stationed logistic robots in this cell. |
stationed_construction_robot_count :: uint [R] | Number of stationed construction robots in this cell. |
mobile :: boolean [R] | true if this is a mobile cell. |
transmitting :: boolean [R] | true if this cell is active. |
charge_approach_distance :: float [R] | Radius at which the robots hover when waiting to be charged. |
charging_robot_count :: uint [R] | Number of robots currently charging. |
to_charge_robot_count :: uint [R] | Number of robots waiting to charge. |
owner :: LuaEntity [R] | This cell's owner. |
logistic_network :: LuaLogisticNetwork [R] | The network that owns this cell or nil . |
neighbours :: array of LuaLogisticCell [R] | Neighbouring cells. |
charging_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] | Robots currently being charged. |
to_charge_robots :: array of LuaEntity [R] | Robots waiting to charge. |
valid :: boolean [R] | Is this object valid? |
Logistic cell of a particular LuaEntity. A "Logistic Cell" is the given name for settings and properties used by what would normally be seen as a "Roboport". A logistic cell however doesn't have to be attached to the roboport entity (the player has one for the personal roboport).
Logistic radius of this cell.
Construction radius of this cell.
Number of stationed logistic robots in this cell.
Number of stationed construction robots in this cell.
if this is a mobile cell. In vanilla, only the logistic cell created by a player's personal
roboport is mobile.
if this cell is active.
Radius at which the robots hover when waiting to be charged.
Number of robots currently charging.
Number of robots waiting to charge.
This cell's owner.
The network that owns this cell or nil
Neighbouring cells.
Robots currently being charged.
Robots waiting to charge.