
class LuaSurface
get_pollution(position) → double Get the pollution for a given position.
can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…} → boolean Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.
find_entity(entity, position) → LuaEntity Find a specific entity at a specific position.
find_entities(area) → array of LuaEntity Find entities in a given area.
find_entities_filtered{area=…, name=…, type=…, force=…} → array of LuaEntity Find entities of given type or name in a given area.
count_entities_filtered{area=…, name=…, type=…, force=…} → uint Count entities of given type or name in a given area.
find_non_colliding_position(name, center, radius, precision) → Position Find a non-colliding possition within a given rectangle.
spill_item_stack(position, items) Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.
find_enemy_units(center, radius, force) → array of LuaEntity Find units enemy of a given force within an area.
find_nearest_enemy{position=…, max_distance=…, force=…} → LuaEntity Find the enemy closest to the given position.
set_multi_command{command=…, count=…, force=…} → uint Give a command to multiple units.
create_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…, target=…, source=…} → LuaEntity Create an entity on this surface.
create_unit_group{position=…, force=…} → LuaUnitGroup Create a new unit group at a given position.
build_enemy_base(position, unit_count, force) Send a group to build a new base.
get_tile(x, y) → LuaTile Get the tile at a given position.
get_tileproperties(x, y) → TileProperties Get tile properties.
set_tiles(tiles) Set tiles at specified locations.
pollute(source, amount) Spawn pollution at the given position.
get_chunks() → LuaChunkIterator Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.
is_chunk_generated(position) → boolean Is a given chunk generated?
request_to_generate_chunks(position, radius) Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface.
find_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) → LuaLogisticNetwork Find the logistic network that covers a given position.
name :: string [R] The name of this surface.
index :: uint [R] Unique ID associated with this surface.
map_gen_settings :: MapGenSettings [R] Gets the generation settings for the surface.

A "domain" of the world. Surfaces can only be created through the API and can not be deleted. However, it is planned to allow deletion of a surface in the future. Surfaces are uniquely identified by their name. Every game contains at least the surface "nauvis".

get_pollution(position) → double

Get the pollution for a given position.

position :: Position
can_place_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…} → boolean

Check for collisions with terrain or other entities.

Table with the following fields:
  • name :: string: Name of the entity to check
  • position :: Position: Where the entity would be placed
  • direction :: defines.direction (optional): Direction the entity would be placed
  • force :: string or LuaForce (optional): The force that would place the entity. If not specified, the enemy force is assumed.
find_entity(entity, position) → LuaEntity

Find a specific entity at a specific position.

entity :: string: Entity to look for
position :: Position: Coordinates to look at
Return value
Will be nil if no such entity is found.
find_entities(area) → array of LuaEntity

Find entities in a given area.

area :: BoundingBox: Where to search
Will evaluate to a list of all entities within given area.
game.surfaces["nauvis"].find_entities({{-10, -10}, {10, 10}})
find_entities_filtered{area=…, name=…, type=…, force=…} → array of LuaEntity

Find entities of given type or name in a given area. If no filters (name, type, or force) are given, returns all entities in the search area. If multiple filters are specified, returns only entities matching all given filters.

Table with the following fields:
game.get_surface(1).find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, type= "resource"} -- gets all resources in the rectangle
game.get_surface(1).find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, name= "iron-ore"} -- gets all iron ores in the rectangle
game.get_surface(1).find_entities_filtered{area = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, force= "player"}  -- gets player owned entities in the rectangle
count_entities_filtered{area=…, name=…, type=…, force=…} → uint

Count entities of given type or name in a given area. Works just like LuaSurface::find_entities_filtered, except this only returns the count. As it doesn't construct all the wrapper objects, this is more efficient if one is only interested in the number of entities.

Table with the following fields:
find_non_colliding_position(name, center, radius, precision) → Position

Find a non-colliding possition within a given rectangle.

name :: string: Prototype name of the entity to find a position for. (The bounding box for the collision checking is taken from this prototype.)
center :: Position: Center of the search area.
radius :: double: Max distance from center to search in. 0 for infinitely-large search area.
precision :: double: The step length from the given position as it searches, in tiles.
Return value
The non-colliding position. May be nil if no suitable position was found.
spill_item_stack(position, items)

Spill items on the ground centered at a given location.

position :: Position: Center of the spillage
items :: LuaItemStack or SimpleItemStack: Items to spill
find_enemy_units(center, radius, force) → array of LuaEntity

Find units enemy of a given force within an area.

center :: Position: Center of the search area
radius :: double: Radius of the circular search area
force :: LuaForce or string (optional): Force to find enemies of. If not given, uses the player force.
Note: This is more efficient than LuaSurface::find_entities.
Find all entities who would be interested to attack the player, within 100-tile area.
local enemies = game.player.surface.find_enemy_units(game.player.character.position, 100)
find_nearest_enemy{position=…, max_distance=…, force=…} → LuaEntity

Find the enemy closest to the given position.

Table with the following fields:
  • position :: Position: Center of the search area.
  • max_distance :: double: Radius of the circular search area.
  • force :: string or LuaForce (optional): The force the result will be an enemy of. Uses the player force if not specified.
Return value
The nearest enemy unit or nil if no enemy could be found within the given area.
set_multi_command{command=…, count=…, force=…} → uint

Give a command to multiple units. This will automatically select suitable units for the task.

Table with the following fields:
  • command :: Command
  • count :: uint: Number of units to give the command to.
  • force :: string or LuaForce (optional): Force of the units this command is to be given to. If not specified, uses the enemy force.
Return value
Number of units actually sent. May be less than count if not enough units were available.
create_entity{name=…, position=…, direction=…, force=…, target=…, source=…} → LuaEntity

Create an entity on this surface.

Table with the following fields:
  • name :: string: The entity prototype name to create.
  • position :: Position: Where to create the entity.
  • direction :: defines.direction (optional): Desired orientation of the entity after creation.
  • force :: string or LuaForce (optional): Force of the entity, default is enemy.
  • target :: LuaEntity (optional): Entity with health for the new entity to target.
  • source :: LuaEntity (optional): Source entity. Used for beams.
  • Additional entity-specific parameters
    • assembling-machine
    • container
      • bar :: uint (optional): Inventory index where the red limiting bar should be set.
    • flying-text
      • text :: string: The string to show.
      • color :: Color: Color of the displayed text.
    • entity-ghost
      • inner_name :: string: The prototype name of the entity contained in the ghost.
    • inserter
    • item-entity
      • stack :: SimpleItemStack: The stack of items to create. This must be a table, i.e. a single string is not allowed here.
    • logistic-container
      • request_filters :: array of Filter (optional)
    • particle
    • projectile
    • resource
    • transport-belt-to-ground
      • type :: string (optional): "output" or "input"; default is "input".
Return value
The created entity or nil if the creation failed.
asm = game.get_surface(1).create_entity{name = "assembling-machine-1", position = {15, 3}, force=game.forces.player, recipe = "iron-stick"}
Creates a smart inserter with circuit conditions and a filter
  name = "smart-inserter", position = {20, 15}, force=game.player.force,
  conditions={red={name="wood", count=3, operator=">"},
              green={name="iron-ore", count=1, operator="<"},
  logistics={name="wood", count=3, operator="="}},
  filters={ {index=1, name="iron-ore"} }
Creates a requester chest already set to request 128 iron plates.
  name = "logistic-chest-requester", position = {game.player.position.x+3, game.player.position.y},
  force=game.player.force, request_filters={ {index=1, name="iron-plate", count=128} }
game.get_surface(1).create_entity{name = "big-biter", position= {15, 3}, force = game.forces.player} -- Friendly biter
game.get_surface(1).create_entity{name = "medium-biter", position= {15, 3}, force = game.forces.enemy} -- Enemy biter
Creates a basic inserter at the player's location facing north
game.get_surface(1).create_entity{name = "basic-inserter", position = game.player.position, direction = defines.direction.north}
create_unit_group{position=…, force=…} → LuaUnitGroup

Create a new unit group at a given position.

Table with the following fields:
  • position :: Position: Initial position of the new unit group.
  • force :: string or LuaForce (optional): Force of the new unit group.
build_enemy_base(position, unit_count, force)

Send a group to build a new base.

position :: Position: Location of the new base.
unit_count :: uint: Number of biters to send for the base-building task.
force :: string or LuaForce (optional): Force the new base will belong to. Defaults to enemy.
Note: The specified force must be AI-controlled; i.e. force.ai_controllable must be true.
get_tile(x, y) → LuaTile

Get the tile at a given position.

x :: int
y :: int
get_tileproperties(x, y) → TileProperties

Get tile properties.

x :: int
y :: int

Set tiles at specified locations. Automatically corrects the edges around modified tiles.

tiles :: array of Tile: Each Tile is a table:
Note: It is recommended to call this method once for all the tiles you want to change rather than calling it individually for every tile. As the tile correction is used after every step, calling it one by one could cause the tile correction logic to redo some of the changes, and it is also much performance heavy.
pollute(source, amount)

Spawn pollution at the given position.

source :: Position: Where to spawn the pollution.
amount :: double: How much pollution to add.
get_chunks() → LuaChunkIterator

Get an iterator going over every chunk on this surface.

is_chunk_generated(position) → boolean

Is a given chunk generated?

position :: Position: The chunk's position.
request_to_generate_chunks(position, radius)

Request that the game's map generator generate chunks at the given position for the given radius on this surface.

position :: Position: Where to generate the new chunks.
radius :: uint: Radius from position to generate new chunks in.
find_logistic_network_by_position(position, force) → LuaLogisticNetwork

Find the logistic network that covers a given position.

position :: Position
force :: string or LuaForce: Force the logistic network should belong to.
Return value
The found network or nil if no such network was found.
name :: string [Read-only]

The name of this surface. Names are unique among surfaces.

index :: uint [Read-only]

Unique ID associated with this surface.

map_gen_settings :: MapGenSettings [Read-only]

Gets the generation settings for the surface.